Dream Finisher is the last offering from the Black Sugar Transmission’s 2020 album trilogy. While Wandering Into The Bullseye sounded like a combo of punchy rhythm and guitars, the final chapter in the form of the 14 track Dream Finisher sounds much more mellow and dreamy indeed. It has all the qualities of a solid pop album, however pop translates to many different musical expressions here. The opener “Easy Way” kicks in with the BST signature sound; it’s funky, vibrant, catchy and truly uplifting. Although “Turn The Screw” starts in a similar manner, you soon realise that this song is much more melancholic; it’s a perfect mix of the sweet and the sour. You can really get addicted to the dreamy guitar hook that builds a beautiful refrain. “Twatted” could be easily written on this side of the pond; I can imagine Damon Albarn behind the microphone. It could as well be a Blur or at least Super Furry Animals song. Having said that, it’s not strange that terms like Britpop, Alternative rock and Indie come to my mind. A “Prayer Trapped” is another song that could have been written in the 90s. I am truly joyous as the rocking beat continues. Andee goes softer with “Counting Out The Sunsets”, a sublime number with a surprising guitar solo. “Meter Is Running” is a slightly darker tune with a gloomy twist. And just when you’re lulled to a most beautiful dream, “Mission Creep” wakes you up and you’re ready to get up and dance; it’s an upbeat and energy fuelled post-punkish track that’ll make you sing and dance your feet off. Get it on your little goth playlists! Then take a chair or just slow-dance to “Don’t Make It Easier”. “Life’s A Memory” is a wonderfully unpredictable song; you’ll have to listen to it attentively and curiously to discover the treasures within. As we’re nearing the end of this sonic bliss, “Endtimes” makes sure you leave in good spirits; it’s the perfect ending to the brilliant album. Even though you might throw in a few musical references, Dream Finisher sounds fresh and says 2020 in so many ways. It offers a sense of relief, hope and joy in these gloomy and uncertain times. Although you can hear Andee whisper “Go back to sleep now”, I say “Do nothing of the sort”. Listen to this album again instead!
Dream Finisher is available here: Bandcamp or official store. Watch the video for “Twatted” here.